The role of ore crushing in the mineral processing process

The role of ore crushing in the mineral processing process

HOGAR / NEWS / The role of ore crushing in the mineral processing process
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The role of ore crushing in the mineral processing process

The crushing of ore is a process in which large pieces of ore or ore to be processed are broken by overcoming the force between internal molecules with the help of external force, so that the particle size of the ore is gradually reduced. In the mineral processing process, ore crushing is usually divided into two stages: crushing (coarse-grained stage) and grinding (fine-grained stage).

In the mineral processing plant, the crushing of ore is an essential material preparation stage before the separation operation. First of all, the vast majority of the ores processed by the concentrator are useful minerals and gangue minerals that are closely connected together, and are often fine-grained or even embedded in fine-grained particles. Only by crushing them and fully dissociating them can they be enriched using existing physical beneficiation methods. Secondly, all physical beneficiation methods are limited by particle size. If the particle size is too coarse (useful minerals and gangue are not dissociated) or the particle size is too fine (that is, over-crushed particles are fine particles), effective separation cannot be carried out. In various aspects of the mineral processing plant Among the processes, ore crushing is the most expensive process and constitutes an important part of the investment and production costs of the ore dressing plant. Therefore, the basic task of the ore crushing operation is to provide suitable materials for the sorting operation. The quality of the crushing process will directly affect it. Technical and economic indicators of mineral processing.(xingaonai)

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