Copper, as a common metal, has the characteristics of electrical conductivity, heat conductivity, and wear res···
1. Different formationsLimestone is a sedimentary rock formed by calcium precipitation. Its formation has gone···
Formation of natural marbleMarble is a natural metamorphic rock. It is made of porous carbonate rock or limest···
What is blue fluorite?Blue fluorite, also known as fluorite, is a gem-grade halide mineral. Its chemical compo···
Hematite is a common iron ore. Due to its high iron content, its color is usually reddish brown. It is formed ···
Barite IntroductionBarite is a natural mineral, a sulfate mineral of barium. Its main component is barium sulf···
Definition and characteristicsOre containing gold is gold ore, the main component of which is oxide or sulfide···
Graphite is a very common natural organic mineral, mainly composed of carbon elements stacked in a single-laye···
Pyrite is a common ore, generally formed in sedimentary rocks or rocks related to intrusive rocks. The formati···
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